Saturday, September 12, 2009

Green Sex - It Saves Energy!

Wow. After reading a blog entry on and subsequently checking out the website mentioned in the entry, I was shocked, angry, appalled, too many things to explain. Angry Green Girl just gave me enough material to rant for months. It is sites like this one, and women like this that make it necessary for feminism to exist today, along with the equal rights, and gender equality issues. Assuming that men are so stupid that they can only understand things when they have sex written all over them is disgusting. The videos on her site are not only offensive to regular people like me who would like to see the world go greener, but also to feminists everywhere. As Vanessa said on, the whole purpose of Angry Green Girl is "an attempt to convince straight guys that going green will get them laid." Not only is this a blatant insult to men, but it's also just one more way that women's bodies are being exploited for purposes that are completely non-sex related, and what makes this case worse, is that they are being exploited by a woman. Wow. Why is it that feminists get made fun of for promoting their ideas and beliefs, while people like Angry Green Girl get attention? Well, obviously, sex sells, but is it worth it? Is Angry Green Girl really going to affect the entire world's atmosphere? Probably not, but feminism could affect the whole world if enough people realize how important it is, even today. Because really, what feminist is going to sell feminism by exploiting their bodies and their fellow women? None.

1 comment:

  1. Later on in the semester we will do a unit about this very issue. Have you seen the film *Killing Us Softly*? We'll watch it, together with one about masculinity called *Tough Guise* which will take up lots of the points you raise in your post!
