Women can vote. Women can own property. Women can get an education. Most women could not give you a legitimate definition of the term feminism, and if they could would most likely follow it with the fact that they are not feminists, themselves. So while it may appear that feminism has become irrelevant in modern society, the truth is that feminism is still needed.
Although women in western culture have earned rights and freedoms to which every citizen should be entitled, there are still nations in the world that treat women as second-class citizens or worse. Feminism is and should be about fighting for the rights of ALL women, not just some, and therefore it is still desperately needed in areas of the world such as the Middle East.
Furthermore, aside from the fact that society should be concerned for the rights of individuals residing elsewhere in the world, if feminism were to be completely abandoned, there would probably still be people out there who would try to revoke the rights of women and reverse much of the progress made thus far.
Whether male or female, we all want to be treated equally, and we should want every other person to be treated the same, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. That is why feminism is still relevant today. The world needs equality, which cannot be achieved by simply forgetting everything that has helped the world progress and grow, such as feminism and the fight for equal rights.
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