Monday, November 2, 2009

feministing response

When I found out that the editors of were coming to Wheaton, I visited the blog for the first time, and continued to read it once in a while when I had time to kill and was near my laptop. I never realized that having the editors come speak would be such an inspiring event. As a women's studies major, I always have trouble getting my point across to people (both on and off campus) that I am doing something worthwhile with my time at college. After hearing the editors speak in class, I felt much better equipped to go home for Thanksgiving break and give people examples of what I can do with my degree in women's studies. Later that night, I had dinner with the editors and sat next to Miriam. I also have an interest in women's health care, so I told her that I am really interested in what she does. My conversation with her opened up many new doors for me, and made me realize that I can do what I am passionate about and make changes in the world the way I want to. I was expecting to go to the lecture and just learn about feminist issues and what it is like to write for a feminist blog. Although I did learn all of those things, this event also helped me see what I am studying and where I am going with my life very differently. Since the editors have come to campus, I have been reading feministing almost every day and have a new outlooks on what my college education will lead me to later in life. THANK YOU FEMINISTING!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that it was very valuable having the editors come to class. I wasn't really sure what it would be like but having them simply describe their daily routines, and what led them to become editors of was surprisingly informative and also inspiring. They had me thinking about a whole host of possible things I want to do, and professions I would be interested. I am jealous that you got to eat dinner with them, Jeri!
