Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Conversation about Black Feminisms

Today's luncheon and panel with Paula Giddings and Beverly Guy-Sheftall was amazing. Today was truly a day to remember because these women were phenomenal. During the luncheon they mentioned the role of an African American mother in the household is essential. They spoke personally about their mothers being possible feminist without the exact title. That a lot of what their mothers did illustrated feminism. I thought this was great. It allowed me to reflect on the ways in which my mother runs the household and I realize that a lot of what she does illustrate feminism also. So that assured me that I am becoming like my mother while learning about feminism in textbooks. The correlation that I am finding between the things my mother does and what is given as examples in textbooks is pure feminism without ever using the word or the exact definition. Also, the misconceptions that I have heard have been disregarded about feminist and feminism. I was never raised to believe in what others had to say about a certain group of people or movement I was always pushed to find things out on my own so that I can judge them for myself. So feminism to me is not negative at all, like Guy-Sheftall stated "it is truly liberating" and a radical way to fight all oppressions. Overall, this discussion was remarkable and it enlightened my thinking of feminism and being a feminist.

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