Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Giving Head?

So I was browsing through facebook over October Break like I'm sure many of us were and I came across a very deplorable post. It was a commercial for Heineken. Heineken is a beer I often enjoy so I figured what the heck.. the post says its hilarious, I'll watch the commercial. Its just thirty seconds right? So the advertisement goes something like this. A man appearing in his mid 20's comes home with red roses. he reaches into the fridge and grabs two bottles of Heineken. He then runs up the stairs to greet his girl (couldn't tell what relationship they shared). He swings open the door to find her naked on her knees in front of a big muscular man aggressively moving her face back and forth into his crotch with his hands on the back of her head. The muscular man is smiling at the guy with the beer. The man with Heineken pops one open and says whatever. The commercial wraps up with a big Heineken logo and drink responsibility.

So my question about the original post and 29 comments left by people I knew and respected is where is the funny? I couldn't find it anywhere. This is disguisting yes filthy trash that should not be allowed a spot on the airwaves. What someone does sexually is their private business and I personally have no objection to blowjobs. However, this went a step beyond. It made women appear as if they were just some object to satisfy needs of a man. Furthermore, the beer is shown more respect than the women. This commercial clearly subordinates women. As someone with 7 sisters this was highly offensive and unlike the 29 other viewers I cannot see the humor in this. I also highly doubt that any beer company would shoot a commercial with the opposite scenario; a women receiving oral stimulation by another man as his girlfriend comes home. Men will not be made to feel like they are less important than a bottle of beer and a mere sexual object. Your comments on this are appreciated. The video is embedded below

The link is embedded here for those who wish to be disgusted for 30 seconds:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thank you dania. i totally agree with you and showed it to a couple of my male friends. most with the exception of a few thought this was taking it to far. This was beyond funny and now was just demeaning. many of them also expressed the fact that they felt demeaned for their family members as well.

  3. When I saw this commercial posted here, and watched it, I was shocked. This was absolutely disgusting. As you said, there was nothing funny about it. It stereotyped and objectified women to an extreme, and it was also disrespectful to men. Men would be just as hurt as a woman would be if their partner was cheating on them. I highly doubt that a beer could cure all of those feelings! By finding this funny, I feel as if people would be condoning this sort of behavior. No one should have to be shown in this way, neither man nor woman, and I can't believe that a company would actually think it is an appropriate commercial. Wow.

  4. I think I almost just threw up. This is the most disgusting commercial I have ever seen. First of all, it is the most stereotypical image of a women and disrespects and degrades all females into being vulnerable, weak women. Also, the image of the man was completely disgusting and showing of male stereotypes of being strong, muscular and powerful. The idea that the other man doesn't even matter and just looks to his beer to feel better is insanely wrong! I can't believe this was actually on television. It was one of the most inappropriate commercials I have ever seen.

  5. I can't believe this commercial was actually created! I've never seen it aired on TV and I'm surprised that it actually has been. Actually, I'm not, sadly. It's so sad to see these reinforced stereotypes of women, especially when they made into jokes, like they're expected and not offensive in any way. I agree with Sarah about the image of the man, how he represents the "typical tough guy," tall, muscular, forceful, in charge, etc., is sad. It just shows how okay so many people in our country and society are okay with the stereotypical ideals of the male and female. Out of all of the beer commercials I've seen (they're usually the most appalling and inappropriate, yet the ones that get the most views) this is the worst.

  6. I agree with everyone- RIDICULOUS. Women are continued to be compared to materials and see as worthless. I would really like to know, who are on these campaign committees to make such derogatory advertisements. In what ways can we fight what goes on the air? Little to none, it really sucks.

  7. I just watched this commercial sitting in the cafe and I was actually embarrassed that someone would walk by and see what I was watching. I think this is clearly just another example of the ways in which women in adds have become commodified to the point that they become inanimate objects. I especially think it's interesting the the director chose for the person to react to the entering boyfriend was the other man. The women is left as an inanimate object performing a job with no emotional content involved.

  8. can we talk about the song they chose to use to play like I LOVE Mariah Carey but within this video it just makes it all SOOOO wrong, The video is horrendous and just makes me want to smash that corona over the producers heads for even writing a script like this never mind the actors agreeing to do the commercial. What were they seriously thinking? Here have a beer it will make your gf cheating on you feel better...I don't think so sweety.

  9. In 1972, comedian George Carlin wrote "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" and one of the seven words on his list was "cocksucker." Apparently saying the word is more inappropriate than showing the act. Way to go Heineken!
