Sunday, December 13, 2009
Jealous Boobs?
First of all, ladies, please tell me you don't believe this crap. The claim is that
1) the shoes "incorporate stability balls under the heels and forefoot to create a natural instability to force muscles to adapt and encourage toning." and
2)"make you feel like you're walking on a soft, sandy beach, providing 28% more gluteus maximus muscle activation, and 11% more calf and hamstring activation."
The commercial clearly suggests, similar to what was discussed in Killing Us Softly, that the main focal point of a woman is either her chest or her ass. For a low price of $99.99 at Lady's Foot Locker women can buy the self esteem that the corporate world has slowly but surely destroyed. I'll leave you with an ever so wise comment from one male viewer:
"oh my god this video is so hot her tits are amazing!! i love this video, GO REEBOK!!!!! man i wish i could bang this chick. and all the women who posted bad things on this video, get off the computer and go back to the kitchen where you belong!!"
If buying these shoes will get me "banged" by a man like this, then I prefer the cellulite.
Outrageous Act
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tough Guise
Tough Guise/Killing Us Softly
It really doesn’t seem noticeable until seeing a film like Jackson Katz’s the boxes that we confine each gender to. And then after watching these films it seems to be the only thing I notice. This isn’t the first time it’s come up either, we saw it when reading Baby X, but what I can’t understand is how to create change. If these images of what is female and what is male has become fully ingrained in society, so much so that it is unconsciously passed along to new generations, is it possible to reverse it? Even though we saw the pure degradation of women through advertising in Killing Us Softly, it seems ironic that women actually have an easier time pushing the boundaries of their gender roles. Maybe the first battle is getting people to admit there is a problem. To be able to address these issues we must first acknowledge that they exist.
Maybe to see change we need an army of baby X’s. What advice can we give parents of new babies to try and decrease the continuing cycle? It seems that the stories of parents fighting against gender norms are unique. They may be accomplishing a small piece toward societies improvement as a whole, but what is the cost. The cost is the unique family fighting against the norm. It takes courage and determination to reverse something as ingrained as this. Unfortunately, this world seems to be lacking in courageous and determined people, especially in this area. It is most likely a large struggle for parents to overcome their own life education that girls must be feminine and boys masculine. To watch their child walk out into the world pushing gender norm boundaries must be quite the dilemma for parents who are programmed to only want to do the best for their children and keep them safe. People who fight gender norms must be selfless, they are fighting for something that most likely will not be resolved in the near future and they have to have enough courage for those who will come after them.
Vietnamese Women
The above article talks about the plight that Vietnamese women suffer from because of society and inequality. While I wholeheartedly agree that those issues are deplorable and should immediately be resolved, I am so tired of reading and hearing about all these articles and coverage on how all Vietnamese women are mistreated. All of these articles and news coverage seem to do is give the illusion that Vietnamese women have nothing good in their lives; their portrayals make people think that all that happens to them is they get beaten everyday of their lives. A Vietnamese woman is so much more than a subservient wife and mother whose life is shackled to the home and kitchen. Instead of publishing all of these work that give Westerns the image of poor women needing to be saved, these newspapers and organizations should focus more on all of the other roles that Vietnamese women assume: in most cases, they are also business owners, the financial head of households, the glue that holds the entire family together. Like housewives in America, Vietnamese women are regarded as nothing but slaves; people who don't have stories and lessons to share, people who don't have their own opinions and aspirations of their own. Perhaps if everyone focused less on the negativity that Vietnamese women as a whole suffer from and focus more on the individual woman and her personal story, their living conditions, like all of these research and speculation, would become less based in academia and theories and more on actions and application.
outrageous act
Thursday, December 10, 2009
This act is outrageous and gender role violating because it’s going against the societal norm of men being able to address strange women, but not the other way around. We felt dumb saying these types of comments to men because it was uncomfortable for us, as females, to shout things at people we do not know. It is an act that when, done by males, other people in the vicinity are oblivious to, but when done by females, have those same people turning around in shock to look at who these girls are speaking to in such a derogatory way. This act not only made the men we were speaking to uncomfortable, but made other shoppers in the mall give us strange, sometimes angry, looks. That uneasy, uncomfortable feeling we had while we were taking part in the act is how everyone should feel when they are saying similar things because people should not be allowed to address strangers in this way. I could not help feeling like I was doing something wrong, something I was not permitted to do. Somehow, men do not get this feeling because in our society they are allowed, and even, expected to behave in such a way. The instinctive rule of respect strangers have to give each other is bent for men so they can treat random women, as most females refer to it, “as animals” or as “less than human”.
Outrageous Act
For my outrageous act, I decided to help raise money for ActionAid, an organization committed to ending world poverty. I created a facebook group called Outrageous Act: Skip your Coffee Once a Month to Help End World Poverty, asking people to give up something that they buy regularly once a month, and instead, donate that amount of money to ActionAid. This act was outrageous because it asks people to take a look at their daily behavior, realize that they have privileges that many other people do not have, and do something to help others. Because there is power in numbers, my act will accomplish more now that I have asked others to participate with me, instead of just making a small monthly donation by myself. I have also brought up an issue that often gets overlooked, especially among college students as they usually have their own financial concerns. ActionAid helps by donating money to individuals suffering from poverty, and assisting with structural changes such as literacy programs and increased access to healthcare. My act also raises awareness about issues affecting women globally.
blog evaluation
For my blog evaluation, a chose a blog called Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog. The purpose of this blog is to answer reader’s questions on feminism and help to clarify some common misconceptions or confusing aspects of feminist theory. I think that the blog does a good job of answering questions and providing basic information, but does come off a little arrogant in the introduction when the authors mention that this is a place for comments that would normally be disruptive on a feminist blog. I think that this might turn some readers away, specifically ones who actually are curious about feminism and feminist theory. I think that while basic questions on a more advanced blog may be disruptive, there are nicer ways to put it in the introduction, instead of making the reader feel like they have done something wrong by asking questions about feminism. I found this blog to be extremely interesting even though I am probably not the blogs indented audience, which would probably be people who do not identify as a feminist and would like to learn more about feminism for their own personal lives or in order to further understand women’s issues and gender inequality. As a women’s studies major, I liked this blog because it gave me an idea of what some people unfamiliar with feminism may want to know or different misunderstandings that people may have surrounding feminist theory.
Women in Ads
The message that this sends to not only young women, but every women- is that beauty perfection is attainable at any age.
Does the Tough Guise really make guys tough?
Why is it so much harder for a man to go outside the expectations of society and escape that box they have been put in since a young age? When a girl or a woman does something typically more "masculine" they are praised and often looked upon as going over and above their expectations. If a man leaves that masculinity "box", he loses his manhood. This does not make men tough- in fact it does the opposite.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Taylor Swift: Wholesome or Harpie?
During her opening monologue, Swift sang a song that she composed titled "My SNL Monologue Song (La La La)". In the song, she sings about how she likes sparkly dresses and baking (adding fuel to the anti-feminist fire) and parodies all of the gossip surrounding her personal life. However, a good section of the song is spent on her past romantic relationships, both public and private. She includes the lyrics:
I like writing songs about douche bags who cheat on me but I'm not gonna say that
In my monologue
I like writing their names in songs so they're ashamed to go in public
But I'm not gonna say that in my monologue
La la la la la la la la
This is my musical monologue
You might think I'd bring up Joe [Jonas], the guy who broke up with me over the phone but I'm not gonna mention him
In my monologue
HEY JOE, I'm doing real well, hosting SNL, but I'm not gonna brag about that in my monologue.
La ha ha ha
These lyrics make me question her actions and the implications that she provides to anti-feminists. There are two sides that can be taken on this issue. The first is that Swift is a teenager who writes about what she knows best: love and relationships. It could be argued that by her shaming the boys who cheated on her in front of the whole world could be taken as either teenage rashness or even a well deserved feminist punishment. On the other hand, her actions could be taken as a representation of the vengeful actions dealt by scorned women. She could quite well become a representation for vindictive women, giving critics fuel with everything from her looks to her age to her public persona. Her actions make me question the limits of revenge. Is it justifiable because it's a safety method or is it just being vindictive and petty? Is there any essential difference between what Swift does in her songs and all of those websites where scorned women post information and pictures of guys who have hurt them in some way?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Selling Women's Bodies, No, Selling Lingerie...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Boobs Gone Wrong?
Now even if it was illegal. Can we discuss for a moment how many t3h boobz have entered our culture? They are everywhere used to sell everything. You can't see an ad without cleavage flying around all over the place and gawd forbid a movie star doesn't have a big chest. Our culture is obsessed with them as sexual objects yet if a mother is using them for what they're actually FOR then we get upset? THEN we get upset? We need to re-examine our values people and SPECIFICALLY how we value women. They can use their bodies to jerk us off in Playboy but not to feed their young and you know, actually put their mammory gland to use. Because THAT, dear reader, would be obscene.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Global Fem.
The other section that stood out to me the most was the section on rape. This section brought the sad truth that most crimes against women often go unreported and unpunished to light. Rape is such a big issue in our world because in some places rape is legal as well as a custom for men to be able to rape their wives. Even if your husband is raping his wife it still constitutes at rape and is wrong because the women is not giving consent to the acts being played out. Everyone in the world does not see it like that and it is a very hard truth to get past.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Write letters to your Senators, Maj. Leader Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and/or Pres. Obama!
Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood
Stop Stupak
Fight for Women's Health
Today is the day when it is decided whether or not the Stupak-Pitts/Reid compromise will be selected or simply the Stupak amendment. For those who don't know (I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't, the news is keeping their head down on this one as they do with most "women's issues") Stupak wishes to add an amendment into the new Healthcare Reform that bans insurance companies from covering abortion care. Reid's compromise was under the new Healthcare, this would only apply to government-funded insurance companies.
The ugly truth about this whole Stupak-Pitts, Reid thing is we're getting screwed either way. One way is just more detestable.
If Stupak gets his way, there is no choice. If Reid gets his way, only 60% of us get a choice and even then it's iffy. Why the number? 40% of women who get abortions (of the 650,000 estimated annually) are unmarried, under the poverty line, and under the age of 35. These women need something affordable--like, say the new Healthcare. Oh wait, that's right, because to get the Healthcare passed in the FIRST place, they needed the support of the Catholic Church and other religious fanatics. So yeah tough chance on that one as now one man decides if you really need an abortion (yeah if you get federally backed insurance now, only chance you have of an abortion getting covered is if it's life-threatening).
Katha Pollitt asks in her article women have always been taking one for the team. Well who's team is it anyway? And why do a bunch of white, upper-class men get to decide the fate of Caucasian women, women of color, Asian women, lower-class women, middle-class women, and women in general? It is not a man's decision nor is it the government's decision. And it DEFINITELY shouldn't be the government's decision if the only reason they're doing it is to pass a fucking bill.