Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Selling Women's Bodies, No, Selling Lingerie...

Well, what a commercial this is. At first, as Amanda Hess wrote in her column, it seems as though this is targeted at women. But, it's not. It is targeted at men. Just one more way the media is selling women's bodies to sell their products. I thought this was a nice addition to our discussion's Monday about commercials, ads, and the media.


  1. It's certainly a very elaborate commercial for selling underwear. I would still argue that it is in fact aimed at women. The images are made to be pleasing for men, but Victoria’s secret is trying to sell its product to women. I think it's aimed at women to show them what it means to be desirable to men. Not to say that it doesn't set up unrealistic standards about women for men as well, but women is their market.

  2. I agree with Emilia. I tried looking at the clip on youtube and it isn't there anymore so apparently youtube thought it was appalling also. As a young girl and even today having something from Victoria Secret is a must. Its in every magazine and in every mall. Like we have discussed in class advertisements find ways to use "sex" to sell everything. I bet you if we were to survey guys and ask them, what type of underwear they would like to see their girlfriends wear? Majority would say Victoria Secret because its all they really see.

  3. I saw the clip and saw it before today as well, I think last week it was. Right before the Angels show. Sadly my ex-boyfriend and many of my guy friends are OBSESSED with the angel shows. They often call it "the best thing to be put on TV". And then chant "wings!" I think the commercial is more focused on the Angle show that happens every year, (where the women are wearing the same lingerie) as opposed to selling exactly what they're wearing. But I guess it works both ways since they're wearing what can be sold. To me, honestly, it looks like a movie preview for an erotic film. I think the women are beautiful and I love wearing VS but after thinking, talking and writing about the ever present "beauty myth/ideal" this only makes it more clear just how prominent it is in our country.

  4. This made me think of those Breast Cancer T-shirts that are sold in stores:



    It makes me question whether or not those are being advertised in the "feminist way". In a sense they are still drawing attention to female breasts and objectifying them in a seemingly jokingly fashion in order to compel more people to buy them. Are they to be acceptable just because the money goes to a good cause?

  5. I agree with Emilia and would say that I think it's targeted at women because it is lingerie, and men don't wear it (usually). I don't think everyone sees the VS Fashion Show as degrading or thinks that it is bad for little girls to see and that it promotes an unrealistic body image. What some people don't realize is that not everyone looks into shows such as this fashion show or at models and want to be just like them.
