Sunday, December 13, 2009

Outrageous Act

For my outrageous act, Tarah and I went to a mall in Portland, Maine to interview people about their vote on the repeal of the gay marriage law. Our interviews started with us introducing ourselves as a monogamous homosexual couple that was very disheartened by the results of the recent gay marriage polls. We then asked people for their first name, age, marital status, and hometown. Once we had established a conversation we then posed the question of whether or not the individual had voted in the November ballots. If so we asked them if they felt comfortable sharing with us what they voted on Question 1 (No meaning to not repeal the legalization of gay marriage and Yes meaning to repeal the law). If they shared how they voted we then asked them to explain to us why they voted the way they did. If they did not feel comfortable sharing with us we merely wished them a Happy Holiday season and took note of their other responses. We were able to speak with 13 people, 6 voted No, 3 voted Yes, and 4 either didn't want to share their vote or hadn't voted at all. Each interview really shed light on how people are able to justify discrimination. For this to still be occurring today is such a shame. As a Mainer I am embarrassed that our state has digressed and joined the host of other places where gender, not love is the basis of marriage.

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