Monday, December 7, 2009

Boobs Gone Wrong?

News Story about how a mom was breast-feeding at Target. An employee called the cops claiming that it was illegal, indecent exposure, etc. Little did this employee know it is Target policy to allow breast-feeding in public. Good job, sir or madam. Good job.

Now even if it was illegal. Can we discuss for a moment how many t3h boobz have entered our culture? They are everywhere used to sell everything. You can't see an ad without cleavage flying around all over the place and gawd forbid a movie star doesn't have a big chest. Our culture is obsessed with them as sexual objects yet if a mother is using them for what they're actually FOR then we get upset? THEN we get upset? We need to re-examine our values people and SPECIFICALLY how we value women. They can use their bodies to jerk us off in Playboy but not to feed their young and you know, actually put their mammory gland to use. Because THAT, dear reader, would be obscene.


  1. Yes Arden, so right. For example, these Tom Ford cologne ads are obscene also and
    WHY must we use female bodies to sell cologne to men? Is it suppose to be a reward for purchasing the cologne? NO. We accept a lot of what we see in the media. Especially, the youth that come across these ads and believe it is ok. As adults its important that we use our teaching techniques to educate our youth about what they see.

  2. The corporate stores explanation as to why it wasn't ok to breast feed was because "this specific situation escalated to a point where we were concerned for the safety of our guests" Can someone please tell me how their other guests were in danger? She was simply breast feeding like are you kidding me. It's not like she was spraying the breast milk in peoples faces. She was feeding a human being.

  3. I'd be interested to know if it was a male or female employee that complained. On the one hand if it was a male, HELLO, you guys are notorious for noticing our chest size before our eye color. And if it was a female, I pray that she never reproduces.
