Wednesday, December 2, 2009

EDIT://If you agree with I said down there then here are some things you can do:
Write letters to your Senators, Maj. Leader Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and/or Pres. Obama!

Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood
Stop Stupak
Fight for Women's Health

Today is the day when it is decided whether or not the Stupak-Pitts/Reid compromise will be selected or simply the Stupak amendment. For those who don't know (I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't, the news is keeping their head down on this one as they do with most "women's issues") Stupak wishes to add an amendment into the new Healthcare Reform that bans insurance companies from covering abortion care. Reid's compromise was under the new Healthcare, this would only apply to government-funded insurance companies.
The ugly truth about this whole Stupak-Pitts, Reid thing is we're getting screwed either way. One way is just more detestable.
If Stupak gets his way, there is no choice. If Reid gets his way, only 60% of us get a choice and even then it's iffy. Why the number? 40% of women who get abortions (of the 650,000 estimated annually) are unmarried, under the poverty line, and under the age of 35. These women need something affordable--like, say the new Healthcare. Oh wait, that's right, because to get the Healthcare passed in the FIRST place, they needed the support of the Catholic Church and other religious fanatics. So yeah tough chance on that one as now one man decides if you really need an abortion (yeah if you get federally backed insurance now, only chance you have of an abortion getting covered is if it's life-threatening).
Katha Pollitt asks in her article women have always been taking one for the team. Well who's team is it anyway? And why do a bunch of white, upper-class men get to decide the fate of Caucasian women, women of color, Asian women, lower-class women, middle-class women, and women in general? It is not a man's decision nor is it the government's decision. And it DEFINITELY shouldn't be the government's decision if the only reason they're doing it is to pass a fucking bill.

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