Monday, September 14, 2009

Can you walk a straight line?

While scrolling through the feministing blog I came across one post that really opened up a new reason for why feminism is necessary in the world. The post was about an ad in Singapore for a light beer that is only 2.9% alcohol. There are three different ads and each depicts an unattractive or inappropriate woman to bring home seen through "beer goggles". According to these ads because the beer is only 2.9% alcohol men will be less likely to bring these women home. While this extremely unfair to women, it's also unfair to men. Women can get just as drunk as men and bring home some pretty undesirable characters. Shouldn't there have been at least one depicting some ugly old trucker with a MOM tattoo who has the face of the Brawny paper towels guy? You know, just to have a little equality in the world.

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