Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why is Feminism Needed?

sFeminism is the social and political movement that supports the equality of both sexes in both private and public life. Arguments center on the notion that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to achieve equality. Feminism is a fairly new concept, with the discipline of women’s studies being founded and expanded over the last forty years. For many people in the world, Feminism is a very controversial but necessary topic.

Women have historically been oppressed. Feminism is not just a women's movement but rather a movement for the human race. Men can be feminists as well. Feminism in its simplest terms is equality for all regardless of sex. If you support equality amongst the human race then by nature you are a feminist.

Feminism is still relevant today because women are still not equal in many respects globally and domestically. Statistically women do not earn as much as their male counterparts and often have many stereotypes associated with why they cannot occupy the same positions of power and prestige in the work world. Women can also not do the same things that many men can. They often live with the fear of unwanted sexual advances harassment or the fear of rape. I have seven sisters and in an ideal society they should be able to walk down a dark alley late at night wearing a midriff and a miniskirt and not have to fear for their safety. It is because of this and many other fears and inequalities projected upon women that feminism must remain active. Without it, women will continue to be viewed as sexual objects within the media, leading them to be viewed as sexually inferior by many amongst society. As long as we subordinate women and sexualize their nature they will never be truly equal. Until the day comes when a women has no less or more to fear than a man and is not viewed as a sexual object by the society in which she resides, feminists are necessary to bring about a change.

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