Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feminism's Relevancy Today

If feminism wasn’t relevant today than there wouldn’t be a women’s studies department in almost every college or university in the country. Of course its still relevant, there are still woman, there are still men, and women still have yet to gain equal rights to men. As much as many may try and claim we are equal on paper that doesn’t mean people are acting that way… there are jobs, college majors, and activities dominated by men. Women are still placed in a feminine box and expected to stay there and men are placed in a masculine box and expected to stay there. God forbid anyone tries to display traits of the opposite sex they will be criticized and reprimanded for it. There doesn’t seem a way to win. When Hillary Clinton was running for President her every move was criticized, either she was too dainty and emotional or when she put fourth some evidence of strength and opinionated thoughts she was bitchy and not nurturing enough. Now I understand that this can’t all be fixed with a wave of a magic wand, however, as long as women are discriminated against solely on their gender and men are granted privileges solely because of theirs than yes feminism is still needed and yes it is still relevant. We create out of necessity and if a successful solution or a fulfilling resolution had developed we probably wouldn’t have this class.

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