Thursday, September 10, 2009

Global Feminism

In America, feminism is a thriving, driving, living cause. Thousands devote themselves to the goal of true equality between men and women; they demand equal treatment in the work place, the right to serve their country however they please, and of course to be men's equal in the bedroom and where ever else sex might be an issue. America has come a long way in the last sixty years in respects to women's rights; we can vote, hold high level, high power jobs, and go to any college we'd like. Sometimes these things are not always given to us as we have won the right to have them, but the legal and social steps have been taken. All that remains is to keep feminism alive so we won't lose those rights.
However, I feel that the true place of feminism, and the real need for it, is not in America. Women all over the world are still living as second class citizens meant to be seen (and sometimes not even that) and not heard. In the Middle East women are required to wear head to toe veils. In Africa young girls are required to undergo brutal genital circumcision that cripples them for life and often kills through infection immediately after, or in child birth years later. In many Asian countries women cannot speak and are forced into unwanted sexual intercourse with husbands they did not choose to marry. Everywhere women suffer beatings, rape, and "mercy" killings simply because of their gender. This is why feminism is necessary. In America, most of us are doing just fine. Let's help out the rest of the world now.

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